Personal Training

Discover a path to a better you!

Exercise constitutes one of the pillars of Total Well being of body and mind, an activity which should be as essential as breathing, sleeping or nourishing oneself. Yet we find that people in general have a hard time finding the will to workout. Of those that do make it to the gym, a good part of them don't workout like they should.

Fitness lifestyle modification

Would you go a week without brushing your teeth? Most certainly not! Then why go on through life without partaking in regular physical activity? Are you looking to live a long, healthy and happy life? Do you wish to experience the joy that comes with being fit?

With a vast array of fitness tools at my disposal, ranging from strength training, pilates, dynamic plyometric workouts to kickboxing, I can help you make fitness part of your life. We'll create a state of awareness where you can discover the aspects you enjoy most from our workouts and build on those solid foundations. You see, working out has to be FUN!

We'll find what you enjoy in the world of fitness. Believe me there's a lot to choose from. I'm experienced in making workouts fun and flexible. When thinking outside the box, the sky's the limit! That's why workouts can be conducted just about anywhere... gym, park, the fitness room in your building, hotel room or even your living room.

Strength training with free weights, machines, resistance bands or your own body weight.

Boxing or kickboxing. Knock out those extra pounds and get rid of some of that stress while you're at it!

Plyometric dynamic workout, gauged to your level. From "Whoa, Take it easy!" to "Bring it on, Drill Sergeant!"

Pilates mat work - designed to strengthen your core. Exercise that can be done anywhere.

As your personal trainer I'll be working together with you. Motivating and guiding you safely on your journey towards well being. Take your first step now, and schedule your fitness assessment and training session today!

Let him who would move the world, first move himself. - Socrates

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